Frequently Asked Questions
Why hire a professional organizer?
It has been acceptable for a long time to hire a cleaner, a gardener or someone to iron if these are the areas you don't enjoy or excel at.
Now it is becoming more common to hire a professional to help with organising your home.
Why not ask family or friends?
Family and friends are often busy with their own lives and sometimes people don't want them rooting in their things or seeing how much there is to sort out. The Home Organiser is a non-judgemental and confidential service in helping you decide what you want to keep and what you want to do with anything else.
Will you make me throw everything away?
Absolutely not. My role is to remind you of your goal and support your decision making. The choice of whether to keep or let go will be solely yours.
I feel embarrassed to let you see my mess?
There's really no need to be. I understand how things can get out of control and I have seen many similar situations. I’m here to help, not to judge - my interest is only in how to help you regain the order that you want.
How long will it take?
This will depend on the size of the task and the speed you are able to work at (both emotionally and physically). We will agree an outline plan when I meet you and see the work to be done, also taking into consideration your budget. However, I usually suggest no more than 3-4 hours for each session.
Will I be left with rubbish in my home?
I will take away as much as possible in my car at the end of a session but if the volume is likely to exceed one car load we can discuss additional arrangements such as hire of a skip or involving the support of other people for rubbish removal. I only remove clean items in my car.